Settle your credit cards.

Settle your app loans.

Settle your personal loans.


Personal loan settlement

Personal loan settlement is the process of paying back a percentage of your loan balance to close the debt. 

Credit card loan settlement

Credit card debt can be very expensive with interest rates as high as 40%.

Anti-harassment Service!

Harassment by recovery agents is quite common in India, inspite of several Supreme Court judgements

Debt Closure Services!

Debt closure or loan closure is a viable option if you can pay the full amount or most of the amount


There are 5 phases in Loan settlement process:

Check Eligibility

Share information about your unsecured debts (credit cards, personal loans etc) with our counsellors and check your eligibility

Check Eligibility

Share information about your unsecured debts (credit cards, personal loans etc) with our counsellors and check your eligibility


Sign up with us after signing a legal agreement that protects your interest and enables debt resolution


Sign up with us after signing a legal agreement that protects your interest and enables debt resolution


Start saving for loan resolution and let us handle your worries and harassment


Start saving for loan resolution and let us handle your worries and harassment


After you have saved enough funds, discuss with your creditors to resolve your loans based on your payment capacity.


After you have saved enough funds, discuss with your creditors to resolve your loans based on your payment capacity.


We will work hard to get you the best possible resolution so that you can become debt free!


We will work hard to get you the best possible resolution so that you can become debt free!

Settle Your Loans with India's Best Loan Settlement Company:

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Debt Settled
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Client Satisfaction
0 %

Successfully helped our clients in getting settlement from :


We can help you in resolving unsecured loans like personal loans, credit card debts, consumer loans, unsecured business loans etc. We cannot assist in collateral based loans like home loans, auto loans, gold loans and consumer durable loans.

Loan settlement is the process of negotiating with creditors to pay off a debt based on your paying capacity. It is also known as debt settlement, debt relief, or debt resolution.

There are several reasons why you might want to settle a loan. Maybe you can no longer afford the monthly payments, or you want to get rid of the debt as quickly as possible. Perhaps you’ve fallen behind on payments and are facing foreclosure. Whatever the reason, loan settlement can be a way to get out of debt without having to declare bankruptcy.

Loan settlement works by negotiating with creditors to pay off a debt based on your paying capacity. The creditor gets paid and you get out of debt. It’s a win-win situation.

There are several benefits to loan settlement, First, it can help you get out of debt quickly. If you’re struggling to make monthly payments, settling your loans can give you some breathing room. This can be a huge relief if you’re struggling to make ends meet.

Yes, it is perfectly legal.

We understand that you may be in financial difficulties but wherever possible, you must meet your financial obligations to the lenders.

Loan settlement is the discretion of the lenders and letters can only be issued by the Banks/Lenders. We can only assist and do not have any authority to issue such letters.


Mr.Manish Jha(Mumbai)

"I am really thankful to for helping me to settle my personal loans.I never knew that it was possible! I had almost given up and reconciled to my fate that i will be considered a defaulter for the rest of my life. In less than 8 months, I am now debt free."

Ms.Amog Patel(Pune)

मे AS Patil बेहद खुशी के साथ बताना चाहुंगा मेरे ऊस अनुभव के बारे मे. एक मुश्किल दौर से गुजर रहा था. लॉकडाऊन था, हॉस्पिटल मे घरवाली ऍडमिट थी, नौकरी नहीं ऑर उपर से क्रेडिट कार्ड ऑर पर्सनल लोन का पेमेंट करने केलीए मुझे सताया जा रहा था. बँक रेकवरी करने वाले गुंडा गर्दी पे उतर आये थे. तब मुझे पता चला राशिद मलिक जी के बारें मे ऑर मैने संपर्क किया.


I was being harassed by recovery agents for the last 5 months and then loanmaaf came to the rescue! Their program is the best solution to get out of heavy debt and I am really thankful to them that they saved me from going bankrupt.

Mr.Sourav Pahari(Kolkata)

Thank you for solving my loan default problem. I can't imagine how I would have solved it on my own. Working with you was a great relief!

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